How to Fix “Can’t run channel” Error on Roku

Roku users may encounter an error when they attempt to launch or download channels that says “Can’t run channel – (channel name) could not be run because it could not be reinstalled from the network. Please check your network connection and try again“.

This post will provide you with information on what you can do when you encounter this error.

Restart System

Press the Home button to go to the Home screen, then press Left to bring up the menu pane. From there, select Settings > System > System Restart.

Check For Roku Outage

This message will commonly appear every now and then when there are problems on Roku’s side of things. Check Downdetector to see if users are reporting problems with their Roku. When this happens, Roku often recommends that you check to see if there are any updates to the RokuOS software.

You may also want to check to see if there is an outage for the service that runs the channel you are trying to load. Sometimes channel providers will update the software for their channel and cause the “Can’t run channel” error to occur with certain Roku hardware.

Update Roku System Software

You can check for updates under Settings > System > System update > Check Now.

Clear Cache

These steps do the trick for most people! Press these buttons at a rapid pace to clear the system cache:

🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠 + ▲ + ⏪️⏪️ + ⏩️⏩️

  • Home 5 times
  • Up 1 time
  • Rewind 2 times
  • Fast Forward 2 times

The system will restart and hopefully allow you to run your channel once again.

Check Networking

If you’re sure a Roku outage is not to blame for this issue, you will want to check your network connection.

Press Home to go to the Home screen, then press Left to bring up the menu pane. From there, navigate to Settings > Network > Check connection. This will test to see where on the network your connection problem is located.

If Internet connect displays a red X, the problem is most likely an Internet connection problem. Check to see that your modem is online and working. Reset it by removing the power cord for a few minutes, then plug it back in to see if that does the trick.

If Wireless connection displays a red X, the problem is with your local network equipment. Unplug your wireless router or any wireless access points for about 30 seconds, then plug them back in. This will reset the hardware and hopefully resolve the issue.

Is the Channel Discontinued?

It’s rare, but it may be possible that the channel you are trying to launch was discontinued. Channel providers may discontinue channels in favor of a different and newer one. It’s also possible that the channel is no longer available for your particular hardware.

Do a quick Google search or visit the channel provider’s website to see if anything has changed that may have caused it to become suddenly unavailable to use on your Roku.

I hope this guide has been easy to use and has helped you solve your problem where you can’t run channels on your Roku. If you still are having problems, leave a detailed comment about your problem in the comments section below and I’ll try to help out.

1 thought on “How to Fix “Can’t run channel” Error on Roku”

  1. I am getting this exact message. (Couldn’t reinstall from the network). Network connection is strong). I tried all of your suggestions and turned everything off and on. I have had no luck. Roku is working on my other tv fine. 🤷‍♀️


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