Roku: How to Disable Guest Mode

Roku Exiting Guest Mode

I was playing around with my Roku Ultra and accidentally enabled Guest Mode. Guest Mode is a mode that is used if you have visitors to your property who are watching content via a Roku device. This option is often used for Roku devices located at properties offered on Air Bnb. Once I was done getting familiar with this feature, I couldn’t figure out how to get out of Guest Mode. After trying different things, I was finally able to figure it out.

So, I created this tutorial that will show you how to get out of Guest Mode on the Roku.

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How to Fix Roku “Can’t run channel… not enough space” Error

Roku Cannot run channel error

After using the Roku for a few months, and installing the channels you like, you’ll likely see a “Can’t run channel – channel name could not be run because there is not enough space. Please removed one or more of your installed channels and try again.” error message appear. You may also get an error when trying to launch a channel that says “Failed to launch“. The problem usually occurs when a channel that takes a lot of space is loading such as YouTube TV. This means your Roku has insufficient storage. Unless you somehow free some space, you will not be able to install new channels. Here are some things you can try to help you fix this issue?

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Fix – Roku Keeps ‘Buffering’ Video

YouTube Stuck on Loading Screen

A common problem for Roku users is the device will keep ‘Buffering’ or ‘Loading’ video. It can drive a person crazy trying to troubleshoot this problem. The Hulu, Netflix, and Vudu channels are notorious for this problem. So, I threw together this guide to help people figure out how to fix this issue.

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How to Watch MeTV on Roku

MeTV Logo

If you’re a fan of classic network television, MeTV is the best channel for classic content. You likely live in an area where you can watch MeTV using an antenna. But if you don’t use an antenna, there is a way you can stream MeTV on the Roku as well.

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