Roku “Media not allowed; E-token Corrupted” Fix

Roku users may find that they receive a message that says “Media not allowed; E-token corrupted” when they attempt to watch certain channels on the device. We’ll cover what causes this message, and how to fix it in this guide.

The “Media not allowed…” message means that you have attempted to use a channel that requires some type of authentication to watch, but the service has lost that authentication or permission to watch the channel. This usually occurs when using channels that require a login for a cable or satellite provider like ESPN, AMC, or A&E.

To fix this problem, follow these steps:

  1. Sign out of the app. You can usually find a way to sign out of the app in the app settings or profile settings.
  2. Remove the problematic channel. You can do this by highlighting the channel on the home screen, pressing *, then selecting Remove channel.
  3. Go to the Roku Channel Store and re-install the channel.
  4. Sign back in using your credentials. This will renew authentication and get you back to where you can watch the channel again.


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