Fire TV / Firestick: How to Log Out of Amazon Prime Video

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Users of the Amazon Fire TV / Firestick may want to log out of their Amazon Prime Video account so they can switch to a different account. Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as just selecting an option to logout and then typing a new username and password.

In this post, we’ll talk about how to logout of your Amazon Prime Video account on the Fire TV / Firestick.

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Roku Fix “Could not add Prime Video” Error

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Users of the Roku may get an error when trying to add the Amazon Prime Video app to their device that says, “Could not add Prime Video“. This problem normally appears because the Roku has detected you are trying to add the Prime Video channel from a country where the channel is not supported.

These steps will typically fix the problem.

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Fire TV: Enable/Disable Subtitles (Captioning)

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The Amazon Fire TV has subtitle (otherwise known as Closed Captioning) features you can use for the hearing impaired. The feature allows you to read what is being said in the video you are watching.

There is a main place in the Fire TV settings where you can enable or disable subtitles. But each individual app may also have their own subtitle settings. Each app has a different way to access these settings. Here are steps to changing the main Fire TV subtitle setting as well as the way to change it in the most popular apps.

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Downton Abbey Has a UK and US Version

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I recently noticed that Season 2 of the PBS show Downton Abbey was recently added to Amazon Prime Video. I had been waiting to watch the series on Netflix for a while.

After deciding to sit down and start season 2, I noticed the title said “Original UK Version”. UK Version? Is there a difference between the US and UK version?

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